Last Tape Before Doomsday (1999)

Last Tape Before Doomsday is a brutally honest exegesis on the concept of catharsis; a symphony of cleansation via destruction of both body and mind to achieve purity of the soul in preparation for death. It is the music for dying. Many bands used Hellhammer's claim of "Only Death is Real" and touted it as a tag line to their music, but Worship take it a step further and evoke its all-encompassing spirit. Through sprawling dirges, agonising emotive and enveloping the listener through magnifying the relationship between the notes, and slowing building until the song reaches a point of critical mass. Earthly links are washed away, transcending into a realm of the dying. This music hits hardest because it is both patient, and because it touches a subject that revolves around (the elimination) of our existence. Crushing, and uncompromisingly sincere.
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