Mournful Congregation
An Epic Dream of Desire (1995)

An Epic Dream of Desire is a minimalist minor key narrative focusing on the throes of the human condition. The band express themes of sorrow, pity, despair, contemplation, and even desire, hope and beauty can be heard in the music if one learns to appreciate its vision. This music contains a great insight into humanity (not to be confused with "humanism"). For Mournful Congregation our only hope of finding meaning is using God as a metaphor for the Cosmos, an embrace of the irrationality found within that created our destiny. It is not a question of "who?" but of "what?". An implicit, and heartfelt, and deeply personal search for Truth.
A somber tale passed through the ages
The clouds hold the answers, yet still we search
The Monad of Creation (2005)
Looking from within the sorrows of life's meaningless out into the great beyond, searching for transcendence, love of life and the comfort from eternity's grasp.
As honest a search for God /meaning that exists in the genre. The weight of gravity (emotive heaviness) runs through these longs passages, representing a life time of yearning and of the burden of the human condition, yet somewhere amongst this darkness lies brief glimpse of beauty (melody) that shines from within the rain; only revealing itself once all looks lost; patiently lurking in the shadows until the moment is right and the seeker is ready. Mournful Congregation capture life within a framework of simplicity, ponderous compositions that spawn gentle melodic interplay, transformed across multiple sections and intertwined by the mood of creation.
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