Resurrection Absurd (1989)

Morgoth have been unfairly called a Death clone in the past, and aesthetically (that is their general sound) they are admittedly in the same proximity as said band, and also other bands like Pestilence who went down the same route. I will go further, and turn the tables, Resurrection Absurd is the album that Schuldiner should have written after Leprosy. In my mind it would have turned him from being an average artist into something closer to a legend. The key to their composition (and the complete opposite to the previously mentioned Death and Pestilence) is their ability to craft free-flowing melody into narrative arrangements that go far beyond the bland verse / chorus cycles of other "legendary" artists. The song-craft here is second to none, the arrangements are abstract and full of dynamics and life (or rather death). Songs generally have two or three riffs that that run through-out like arteries, offering the central ideas of the song. Counter-ideas or variations are often strategically implemented to act as resolution or deconstruction of these prominent themes. It is certainly not a release that you need to point out individual parts, but more something that you will bask in the brilliance of its unity and cohesion.
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