Dethrone The Son Of God (1993)

Havohej is perhaps, along with kindred spirit Ildjarn, the ultimate expression of anti-music. Comprised of minimalistic, but jarring, hyperspeed motions (ala Deicide or perhaps Incantantion) this music exists for naught but to spread warfare through sonic deconstruction. Each song is generally made up of two themes, each perhaps seemingly musically opposite in their direction (chaos through atonality) until the moment that they violently collide at a moment of tension climax. The airwaves are filled with violent spewing of music that has been disembodied, cut up, and decomposed (the Death Metal influence here is obvious). The sound overwhelms with a force so nihilistic that it is barely describable. Black Metal used to summon the great abstract. Perhaps another way of looking at this album, is that it is post-modern art without the pompous need for self-gratification and belonging. From Ledney's throat splitting vocals to the toneless nothingness of the melody, to the drums battering a frantic, unflinching beat; this is anything but human or compromising.
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