Death Strike
Fuckin' Death (1991)

Paul Speckmann has always been a man of conviction and a man of strength when it came to principles and ideals. Thus for him music was a form of activism, a way of spreading his thinking, and view of the world to others. He ultimately chose Death Metal as his form of expression, and from the outset he approached it as a serious artform. In this facet he was one of the pioneers.
Fuckin' Death is subsequently heavily rooted with Punk influence and technique; you could say it is early Death Metal played with punk templates, ethos and mentality. But Speckmann went further. He noted developments within Metal circles at the time, and crafted riffs oozing with death and destruction. His prophecy as seen through his music was that mankind was on a march towards the apocalypse (note the raging fury and decay present in 'Mangled Dehumanization'). His vision went beyond a basic morality of 'good' and 'evil', to him taboo was nothing but fabrication (see 'Pay To Die).
Whilst the legacy of his projects, namely Death Strike and Master were not perhaps particularly noted for their musical contributions to the genre (although they were no doubt of minor influence in both), his spirit created a legacy and a future of longevity for a fledgling genre.
If there ever was a statement of intent, then this was it.
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