Engram (2009)

Black metal designed to seep into your soul like a virus; the corruptor of modern beliefs.
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes of Black Metal once lost (see: Hvis Lyset Tar Oss) this album combines the raw frontal assault of the first wave with the ambient layering and sonic manipulation of the second wave. Barbaric riffs subtlely change in tempo, tone, and delivery; creating an effect that is like a virus serreptitiously seeping into the sands of time, shifting within depths of our sub-conscious. Often unnoticed; but ever-present. The resultant sound bites of moods and visions seem sparse when looked at alone; but added together paint a picture of a total experience by the time the last notes of 'Demon Advance' peeter out.
Engram represents the culmination of the best of Beherit's feral and viscious Black Metal unbringing, with the journey of its foray into otherworldy dark ambient.
Drawing Down the Moon (1993)

Beherit's sophomore album shares the same blistering, South American inspired (think Sarcofago and Vulcano), primal blackened grind assault as their debut full-length. However, it is noticably more shamanistic in its intent, using degenerate, broken power chord passages to deconstruct popular assumptions of what constitutes "music." The result is something spectacular, an ambience so feral and deranged, so outside of social norms that it comes magical. Jarring passages create blurred motion, layers upon layers of primal energy erupt, until outlandish synth lines and simple, but enchanting melodies emerge, almost heroic in sound, monumental in their effect. The mind is mesmerising and captivated. Ideas are fleshed out, until they too are deconstucted, fading into the primal soup of existence. Not only do Beherit draw down the moon, but they bring the lost energy from its dark side into our lives. The worship of the night lives on through Drawing Down the Moon, and the possibilities are endless.
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