Facta Loquuntur (1996)

'Facta Loquuntur' is best described as the ancient spirit of pagan Black Metal wisdom distilled within the framework of Punk anti-establishment. What makes it really special is the attitude of the band that shines through, and the ancient sense of neo-classical melody that this breeds into the music. The music conveys themes of loss and conflict, and an inner strength and defiance that isn't just tacked on like many bands of this type. There is no moral ambivalence or petty appeals to the crowd here. Listen to the epic 'Gates of Heaven' and the uplifting German clean voice setting the story with the fantastic lyrics and if that doesn't stir the hairs on the back of your neck then this album is not for you.
Absurd here provide inspiration through selfless defiance and resolve around one's own beliefs and culture; a fearless urge to wander through the night with reckless abandon and come out the other side with strength and valour.
Darkness around us was so sizeable
Black blood running through my veins
We know: what we did was unacceptable
But our hearts were by evil love chained
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